Please remember to follow the car rider arrival and dismissal procedures to help with traffic flow, fairness to all those waiting, and timelines for staff.
***There is MAJOR road construction taking place on Highway 90. If you are a car rider, please allow yourself extra time and patience in the morning and afternoon. To accommodate construction delays, we will TEMPORARLY open our doors earlier for arrival.
Arrival drop-off (7:20-7:47)
Dismissal pick-up (3:30 begins)
Dismissal pick-up (3:30 begins)
AM Car Rider Line: Drop off is in the back of our school starting at 7:20 am. The car rider drop-off line will end at 7:47, as this is when instruction begins. If you arrive after 7:47, please walk your child into the front office.
PM Car Rider Line = Our staff has a very efficient, safe, and secure system for all students. The car rider line will begin at 3:30. One of our staff members will place students in your car.